
128 lines
2.7 KiB

short = BCB,
long = \techterm{Bound Check Bypass}
short = BHB,
long = \techterm{Branch History Buffer}
short = BHI,
long = \techterm{Branch History Injection}
short = BPU,
long = \techterm{Branch Prediction Unit}
short = BTB,
long = \techterm{Branch Target Buffer}
short = BTI,
long = \techterm{Branch Target Injection}
short = CP,
long = \techterm{Cross Privilege}
short = eIBRS,
long = \techterm{Enhanced Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation}
short = LIFO,
long = \techterm{Last In First Out}
short = FOSS,
long = \techterm{Free and Open Source Software}
short = IBPB,
long = \techterm{Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier}
short = IBRS,
long = \techterm{Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation}
short = ISA,
long = \techterm{Instruction Set Architecture}
short = KASLR,
long = \techterm{Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization}
short = LLC,
long = \techterm{Last-Level Cache}
short = MMU,
long = \techterm{Memory Management Unit}
short = OoO,
long = \techterm{Out-of-Order},
short = OS,
short-plural = es,
long = \techterm{Operating System},
short = PA,
long = \techterm{Physical Address},
long-plural = es
short = PC,
long = \techterm{Program Counter}
short = PF,
long = \techterm{Page Fault}
short = PoC,
long = \techterm{Proof of Concept}
short = RSB,
long = \techterm{Return Stack Buffer}
short = SLS,
long = \techterm{Straight Line Speculation}
short = SMAP,
long = \techterm{Supervisor Mode Access Prevention}
short = SMEP,
long = \techterm{Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention}
short = SMT,
long = \techterm{Simultaneous Multithreading}
short = STIBP,
long = \techterm{Single Thread Indirect Branch Prediction}
short = SUT,
long = \techterm{System Under Test}
short = U $\to$ K,
long = \techterm{User} $\to$ \techterm{Kernel}
short = VA,
long = \techterm{Virtual Address},
long-plural = es